Goodbye Papa Review

Goodbye Papa is a 2021 experimental short film directed by Flavio Marigliani, with writing from Francesco Baj.

Goodbye Papa combines the art of cinema and theater in a smart and clever way that brings a unique sense of depth to the story told.

Usually what happens when creatives try to move between the craft of filmmaking and that of stage production, the results can be mixed. However, some strong showcases in this short come from how the creative team can use both mediums to their advantage.

The story told here involves two siblings connected by the same father, but comes from completely different places, having never met. Their story is told as both are getting ready for separate funerals to be held for him in their respective countries. They reflect on how he abandoned them at a young age, sharing a lot of similarities in their frayed relationship.

The collective behind this film is a group called Teatro Multilingue and true to this name and initiative, this film deftly maneuvers between many languages, sometimes true rapid-fire moments. It is a wonderful showcase for how the world is smaller than it has ever been before, thanks in part to the advent of social media.

The production design is minimalist given that it is all based on a stage, it is enough though for the viewer where it counts. As for the technical aspects on the filming side, everything here has a clear polish. The editing is clean; the visuals are well lit, and the acting is great. There was a clear amount of practice that went into the performances, with a good script behind everything.


This is an interesting and recommended short film to watch. It does not waste time pulling the viewer into its world and the story touches on a lot of deep, poignant moments.

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Daniel Hess

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