Hit Parade EPK Filming

Hit Parade EPK

This weekend at Champions Sports Bar in Frederick, Maryland, we had the pleasure of filming an EPK video for local cover band Hit Parade. Let’s take a look at some highlights and behind-the-scenes action from the Hit Parade EPK filming from To Tony Productions, creative video content in Baltimore, Maryland.

One of the best parts of having a gig all the way out in Frederick is the pleasant drive that comes with it from Baltimore. It takes close to an hour to get out that way and, for this instance, it was all jamming out to Spotify the entire trip. While the same energy level can’t be said for the way back, it was at least a pleasant evening drive home.

Having been to Champions in the past, there was a good sense of what to expect from the location and as with our last visit, the staff were super friendly and accommodating. We had a nice center location to sit our tripod at to get a great static cover of the band as they performed.

Speaking of the performance, Hit Parade certainly delivered on their namesake, bringing out top 40 hit after hit throughout the entire set. While we only filmed the first set, both performance sessions were lined with great tunes to get on the dance floor, too.

In a world that has been slowly coming through a pandemic, there is an even great apprehensiveness to wanting to get on the dance floor than before. However, after a few songs, the crowd was really getting into everything from the night.

By the end of the set, we had captured a great show and with that; we headed back home. Filming in total 4k resolution for the performance, we had quite a sizeable amount of video to upload, which we did overnight.

Now comes the fun part of editing everything together to make a great video from it all. So stay tuned for updates to come when the video is completed!


About To Tony Productions:

To Tony Productions has been producing and creating content since 2009. What started as a small dream of making fun film projects on a college campus has turned into a place of endless creative drive. With the vision of Daniel Hess we have been proudly working in the beautiful city of Baltimore since day one.

Thank you for visiting and feel free to take a look at not just our visual work but also our written work and mentoring services today.


Daniel Hess

Our previous video for Vinyl Rhino, which has become Hit Parade in 2021.