Tobey Alexander

Better Know An Author – Tobey Alexander

Our weekly spotlight series on authors from around the world. This week we sat down with Tobey Alexander!

Please give a brief introduction, including your name and where you are based

Hi, my name is Tobey Alexander and I come from England (well the home of Robin Hood to be precise) but I don’t want you to hold that against me. Yes, I can shoot a bow and arrow and I do have a tree house but for my everyday life I do live in a normal house, well normal by my sense with three kids, two cats, one dog and seven chickens!


What book or books have you published or are working on at the moment?

Right now I am putting the final touches on two releases coming out in September and October while writing a continuation in my Coming Of Age fantasy series which will be called Cathy Scott: Dark Queen and carries on in the world I created under the banner of Timothy Scott (Cathy’s older brother’s story).

My current published works include:

Timothy Scott – a trilogy of fantasy adventure series in the vein of Harry Potter, Percy Jackson and Narnia. While there are three books in Tim’s story, I am seeking to expand it much wider. I have also won a number of film festival awards and been selected for the screenplay adaptation of the novel so you never know, you may be watching it one day.

Reaper’s Journey Series – my alternative view of the Grim Reaper, bringing him to life in an epic afterlife series. It’s sort of a cross between Blade and Constantine with an element of Van Helsing (only for the fact we are dealing with paranormal beings living in our world). It’s filled with emotion as the Grim Reaper is a flawed character and shows he becomes the agent of death and the scars he carries from his life before. The sequel is due out soon after a long hiatus due to personal reasons (writing about death when your wife has cancer is not appropriate, but she’s cured now and I’m back in with my Reaper). Again, I have adapted this to a screenplay and am actively pitching to find a home for the story. I plan for three books. The final one is still smouldering in my brain as I type.

Gridlock – the first in my Aaron Raven thriller series delving into the life and exploits of an ex-cop in London. Initially written as a lockdown challenge, I am currently working on a sequel that travels even deeper into the dark underworld of Aaron’s life. These are my default stories that I work on outside of my main projects so they tend to evolve over time with a sudden release once I’m happy with the story. You guessed it, adapted this into a screenplay too with the hope of one day seeing Jason Statham or similar traipsing through London working out whodunit and why!

The Magdon Series – this was originally a story I made up for my children that massively spiraled and became a two-part series exploring a world of monsters and secret societies. I tried to merge this with real historical elements and visiting lesser known places. It also led onto an entirely different story idea in…

Dark Curses Series – this will launch in September with the debut novel “Iceman.” I am a huge fan of films like Indiana Jones and The Mummy and realsied we hadn’t had a good adventure romp like them in a while. Because of this I scripted an idea based around the real-life mummified remains discovered in 1991 called Otzi the Iceman. Entirely using my artistic licence I created an adventure for a young pair of strangers in war-torn London and Europe as they solve puzzles and decipher clues to best the unleashed beast. I promise it’s dark, adventure filled and a good escape into interesting historical adventure.



What drives you to write?

Ok, I’ll throw it out there straight away, I’m autistic! It doesn’t mean I can’t do what everyone else does but I do suffer at the hands of an extremely vivid and overactive imagination while lacking in social skills. My youngest son is also on the spectrum and when I see him struggling and ostracised by his peers, I want to show him what you can do with a different brain. My Timothy Scott series and character is based on him, truly showing him how being different can still mean you’re able to be a hero.

For me the writing and creating is a form of controlled therapy. It allows me to vent out the plethora of ideas and even live out the fantasy lives I create. Each of my characters are part of me, as I’m sure they are for all authors, but by committing them to paper allows me to realise them as real beings. It also allows me to show that although I am weird and different in my imagination, the fact I invite you in and let you see the things I watch in my head as I write, it breaks down the barrier between us.

I don’t like to stand on a soapbox about it all, but I am proud of my difference and what it brings to me. If I can show my son, and others, what you can do with an alternative perspective, then why shouldn’t I? I was late in my identification (in my thirties) but I’ve always known, being confirmed only makes me a little more comfortable expressing who I am openly.

Oh and writing is brilliant and I want it to entertain the world.


Where can folks find you online and on social media?

I am most active on Instagram, I love taking random pictures so it suits me down to the ground. You can find me on IG here if you’re interested.

On Facebook I have my author page Facebook and would welcome curious visitors to reach out at any point.

On Twitter I’ve recently been hacked so had to relaunch myself under a new username @ATobeyAlexander so am slowly building back up my presence.

I am listed on other sites for my screenplays and scripts and more than happy to network and connect.


What is one piece of advice you would give to another author out there who might be struggling?

Go at your own pace and remember the fact it’s your story. Without you, it’ll never be told. I am an absolute bugger for being self-depreciating so my biggest piece of advice would be to celebrate what you achieve, I never do and always sit questioning my worth and self, it’s not healthy and I know you (and I) should always celebrate what we achieve. We take the time to create and set free our ideas.


What are some of your five-year goals with writing?

I am working hard to remain self-published and independent and show what can be done while holding down an unrelated full-time job. I would love to see my stories adapted, and that’s why I’m adapting them to screenplays. My obsession has always been films so, to see one of my own pieces on the TV or cinema screen would be my greatest achievement. Oh, and if I make a million pounds in profits, my wife says she will let me climb to the top of Mount Everest (I am trekking to Base Camp with my twelve-year-old son in October or April depending on Covid and we are raising money for charity so I’ll punt that too if I’m allowed…it will also tell you more about me


Final thoughts?

Sorry if I bored you, I never know how much to share and there’s so much more. If you want to ask more then please feel free to drop me a message via IG or FB. I’m happy to share virtually as I can hide behind my screen and not feel too silly. Otherwise stay safe in this crazy world.


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