National Feature for Just a Boy Blaming Himself

National Feature for Just a Boy Blaming Himself

Just a Boy Blaming Himself is featured in a national spotlight for best books in poetry from Pretty Progressive magazine!

So amazing to see this National Feature for Just a Boy Blaming Himself become a reality!

It is with pure delight that I am happy to announce that my poetry collection, Just a Boy Blaming Himself was just featured in an article looking at top poetry books from Pretty Progressive magazine. You can see the full list here.

This little book that was born out of nothing more than small hopes and dreams from over five years of writing has blossomed into something truly amazing. I can not say enough how terrific the outpouring of support has been from everyone since I launched the book in mid-January 2021. Almost a year later and it is still being discovered on bigger and bigger stages.

Thank you so much to all those who have been supporting me and have taken time to send me messages about the book over the past year. I can not wait to start making more announcements soon regarding my first novel. For now, though, if you haven’t had a chance to pick up a copy of the book, you can do so by following the link here.


Daniel Hess

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