Bethany Borgschatz

Better Know An Author – Bethany Borgschatz

Our weekly spotlight series on authors from around the world. This week we sat down with Bethany Borgschatz!

Please give a brief introduction, including your name and where you are based

My name is Bethany Borgschatz, and I live in the pretty little river town of Red Wing, MN. I share my Little House on the Bluff with my tall drink of water husband, two teenage daughters, a white Siberian husky, and a black cat. I’m most often found on the couch with a good book and my faithful white wolf at my side to keep my feet warm.


What book or books have you published or are working on at the moment?

The Sun Will Never Set is a historical fiction novel set in Viking-era Franica and follows the story of Rollo the Norseman who becomes the first Duke of Normandy. This is my first novel. I self-published through Beaver’s Pond Press. 

I have another story spinning in my mind. It’s a zombie post-apocalyptic story (because there aren’t enough of those already, lol). Currently, it’s a cartwheeling mess of flailing limbs. I’m not sure if it will find its legs and walk. That’s what makes it so much fun!


What drives you to write?

I often get frustrated when television shows or stories don’t go the way I want them to. This leads me to daydream about how I would tell the story. I play scenes out in my head first. I spin them over and over from all angles before I have enough motivation to write them down.



Where can folks find you online and on social media?

My website and book purchase information can be found on my website. I have Instagram: @bethanyborgschatzauthor and Facebook: @Bethany Borgschatz


What is one piece of advice you would give to another author out there who might be struggling?

Take the time to plan it out. Always. It’s work, but your future-self will be grateful!

Carry a notebook with you and write it down. Writers, you know what I mean, those good lines, that one good scene, that good quote, that piece of dialogue. Write it down. Store it for later use or inspiration. Know when to walk away from a story. Chances are, it will find you again if it needs to be free. Go there, write it all, even if it scares you. You can always edit out later.


What are some of your five-year goals with writing?

Currently, my main goal is more exposure. I also want to connect with my readers. I want to discuss my story and hear what they liked and what was difficult for them to read.

I’d love to find another story that grips me the way this one did and start writing daily again.


Final Thoughts?


You can’t finish what you never started. Start anywhere. Start everywhere. Tell the story.

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