Antonio Caruso

Better Know An Author – Antonio Caruso

Our weekly spotlight series on authors from around the world. This week we sat down with Antonio Caruso!

Please give a brief introduction, including your name and where you are based

My name is Antonio Caruso. I am currently based in the delightful and charming garden State of New Jersey. Sarcasm is my second language. I work in marketing, enjoy quality time with friends, and I am an avid rock concertgoer who embarks on various food adventures to eating establishments across the greater tri-state area in search of the perfect pizza. I enjoy a good captain & coke and I write from a cynical, yet hopeful, perspective.


What book or books have you published or are working on at the moment?

I am new to the book writing game; hence, I have only published one book as of this date. My only book that I have written so far is titled, “Under the Red Moon.” Which is currently available on Amazon and Goodreads. I have been told that my book lends itself to sequels. So, I am currently in the process of fleshing that out.


What drives you to write?

My passion for writing was born out of self-reflection at first. I would write little journals to myself regularly. I figured writing down my hopes or frustrations would help me overcome and conquer them. Writing “Under the Red Moon” came from the downtime and boredom that we all faced during the early parts of the pandemic lockdown. I wanted something positive to come out of being forced to basically stay home for that significant period of time. I was driven further into this by the death of my mother. I needed a cathartic creative outlet to help deal with that pain. While writing my book, I was also influenced by current events, and that pushed me to write even more.



Where can folks find you online and on social media?

I am on Instagram and Facebook.

Instagram profile link :

FB profile link :

Along with my link to my e-book

Amazon e-book link :



What is one piece of advice you would give to another author out there who might be struggling?

Don’t let anyone tell you no, especially yourself. You will hit all the walls in the world trying to get your work out there. It’s very easy to become complacent and discouraged by all of that. Push through it no matter what. I would say 75% of the work I put into my current book was based off pure will to get it out. There were many speed bumps in the book publishing process that I didn’t even know were there. But you must work the problem, it’s easy to throw your hands up in the air and tell yourself something is too hard and give up. But nothing worth having ever comes easy, and that literally applies to everything in life, not just writing books.


What are some of your five-year goals with writing?

My goals with writing are very fluid right now. I am just very wrapped up in the process of getting as many eyeballs on my current book as humanly possible. And when you self-publish, it’s all on you. You’re a one-person marketing machine that needs to keep pumping your book out there. But what I would want with this book, is for some brave soul in the streaming services and production game (GET AT ME NETFLIX) to read my book, think it’s worth a live-action show and or miniseries and REALLY bring this baby to life. That’s how I wrote this book. It’s extremely visual and I want to see it on a TV screen.


Final Thoughts?


I will re-iterate the sentiment that I said before. If you have an idea, and YOU truly believe in it. Don’t let anyone (specifically literary agents) discourage you from doing it. Everyone has their own prejudices when it comes to what they think is “art”. Art is whatever the hell you want it to be. When someone tells you to stop, KEEP WRITING…When you hit a creative wall. KEEP WRITING…And when you think you’re done…KEEP WRITING. Creativity and free thought should never be muzzled or stifled in any way.

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