J1S Film Spotlight

Today’s film spotlight focuses on the feature film J1S directed by Jay Cunningham.

What is the title of your film and what inspired said title?

The Title is ‘J1S’, pronounced Jones. I used a play on numbers and words to use a very familiar and almost unthreatening name. But in reality it is a very different person, it sounds the same, looks the same, but it couldn’t be further from the truth.


Tell us a little bit about the story and origins of your film.

I am really curious with our over reliance on technology and I believe one day we will push it too far and we will really be in trouble.  I am also really curious about the human brain and personalities, and how we can be so varied.  I wanted technology with our minds and show how we as humans can swing from one spectrum to another.

The story focuses on J1S and he was made for war.  ‘Made by them, to kill them’, as he says in the film.  The main character is actually two characters, and J1S doesn’t know the other exists.  When they are forced to download the other side, they fight for dominance, and then become a Jekyll and Hyde being, who interact with one another, but nobody else can see expect the audience.  Again, I think we all have discussions with ourselves about situations and scenarios, but the world that surrounds us generally only see’s one outcome.  I thought it maybe interesting to see that played out, but ill let the viewers be the judge of that.


Any films or filmmakers that inspired this film?

I wouldn’t say I am on the level of any of the people I really admire, but this is my first film, and I have learnt a lot.  Films that inspired me?  I would say I-Robot, AI, Venom comics [my film was written in 2016 [before the release].  Film makers I love are Christopher Nolan, Scorsese and Tarantino.



What is the goal of the film for you?

My goal was to be fearless with zero budget and see what I could do.  Principal photography was 2 weeks only, and I nearly killed myself making it.  I have to be comfortable failing and trying things that may not work, its art after all, and my view and perspective on things, so it may not be everyone’s cup of tea.  I loved the process, its done decently in some festivals, and its now on Prime, and for me that’s great and gives me many lessons to move forward Wirth my next projects.



What has the journey been like getting the film into production?

Its been wilder than anything I’ve ever experienced in my life.  Many hurdles, many things were about to happen, and then didn’t,. And in the end I did it myself.  Covid also landed after week 2 of prinicpal phoptography, which was a total nightmare for me with post.  But if you keep the faith, and keep moving forward, and let your collaborators breathe and give them freedom, everything comes together in the end.


One thing you learned from this project?

I have a masters in screen writing, and I always write without restriction and all sorts of crazy shit going on.  But when you take your screen writers hat off and put your producers hat on, you think, fuck me, how am I going to pay for this, or shut this street down etc etc.  And then you put your directors hat on and go well Jesus, how am going to shoot this shot with zero budget and a tiny room and too many characters.  So I have learnt so much, but that’s great, everyday a school day.


How can folks find you and your film online?


They can head over to Amazon Prime and watch it there.

Any last pieces of advice for fellow filmmakers?

Yes, I would say please don’t give up.  I failed raising money 3 or 4 times.  I took my Dad dying in my arms and saying ‘This is it’ to me with his last breath, to make me think fuck it, do it.  Don’t wait for the sun on your back, and the wind in your sails, just keep moving forward and respect all of the other people who collaborate with you, and give them freedom to help you and your team create your vision.

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