Ice Cream Stop

Ice Cream Stop Film Spotlight

Today’s film spotlight focuses on the short film Ice Cream Stop directed by Raul Perez.

What is the title of your film and what inspired said title?

The name of our film is called “THE ICE CREAM STOP” you’re just going to have to see it I don’t want to spoil it…


Tell us a little bit about the story and origins of your film.

The Ice Cream Stop short film was inspired by a number of events including the aftermath of the George Floyd incident. After witnessing his horrific death in front of the world my business partner Marcelle Baber/ Creator along with the talented Director “Raul Perez”  and I set out to write a compelling story that beautifully illustrates the “Everyday” plight of the African American experience in America black men in particular when it comes to the (Social injustice, racial inequality, Classism, and Prejudice) that’s still ubiquitous in today’s society. This has always been a sensitive subject one that has always been easily dismissed or even justified to some extent due to its true and uncomfortable nature, however, we were able to write a beautiful love story that’s so easily relatable and most of all digestible to anyone with a pulse. The Ice Cream Stop is a story about Dr. Michael Harris and his wife Tameka Harris. A beautiful life that turns tragic. Dr. Harris (Thai “THE THAIGA” Edwards) returns home from work after working a double shift at the hospital to find his pregnant wife Tameka (Nicola Lambo) waiting patiently in bed. They converse for a short time highlighting the events of their day. Before going to bed Mike asks if she needed anything? Reluctantly, she tells him that she’s craving ice cream. It is after 3 am, but the devotion he has for his wife and mother of their first child is far more important than his exhaustion so he goes to make a store run and on his way home one brief encounter changes their lives forever. 


Any films or filmmakers that inspired this film?

Not at all… The idea came from a dream that Marcelle had that woke him up out of his sleep… So I would say GOD gave it to us and now the rest is HISTORY!!



What is the goal of the film for you?

The overall goal is to open up some dialog and have conversations that effectively communicate what’s going on because it’s still happening, and somehow find some common ground and come up with viable solutions to initiate the much-needed change that can make society better for us “ALL” to live and co-exist in. Although we may all look different, come from different social classes, races, or may live alternative lifestyles GOD created us all… “We are all human beings, and we are a part of one race… That’s The “HUMAN RACE” and we all deserve to live and experience life on this side of life both equally and fairly.



What has the journey been like getting the film into production?

It’s been both painful and rewarding all at the same time… During the whole production process and also in post all of us experienced the loss of loved ones, Marcelle had multiple people pass prematurely. A few of the people I lost were BLM protest-related, while most were due to COVID-19, and the others were pre-diagnosed health-associated illnesses or something totally unexpected altogether (Homicide) … It was unlike anything I’ve ever seen in my entire life but we persevered in-spite of it all and still made an amazing piece of film that will surely stand the test of time one that will remain relevant until issues like these stop. In light of it all, the way THE ICE CREAM STOP  has been received all around the world has made this whole experience well worth it… Especially when any one of us at any time would have been well within his right to walk away. Instead, we all agreed to finish what we started making the project a tribute to all of the fallen and the people we loved and lost in the process. So far with 13 Film Festivals left to complete THE ICE CREAM STOP has earned over 30 Official Selections and Multiple Awards. We all know in our hearts that if they were still here that continuing on with the project is something they’d all would want us to do… They all would be really be proud of us for all we’ve been able to accomplish with the project because we are definitely proud here at IFG.


One thing you learned from this project?

I would say overall from an artistic standpoint considering this being the first major project from this production house is that there is so much power in the content you make or provide, you have to be really careful in how you wield it! What we do affects people in various ways depending on the individual. As content creators, it’s our responsibility to stay true to the stories we tell whether it’s fact or fiction because these stories especially ones like ours really have an impact on the people who watch them. From a business outlook projects with subject matter as contentious as that of “THE ICE CREAM STOP” are very sensitive topics for obvious reasons, so when stories like these are created it’s best to always write them from an underlying place of love like ours is to serve as a buffer for the harsh realities that tend to happen in our lives. 


How can folks find you and your film online?


THE ICE CREAM STOP is almost done with its run in the 2021 Film Festival Circuit we have 13 more Film Festivals to go before we’re able to show it to the world… We anticipate the run to be completely over by the end of April, once it’s finished we hope to have a few good options for distribution to the public i.e., (Major Theatres, Streaming Platforms, such as Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, Apple, AllBlkTv, etc.) with plans for release 2nd or 3rd quarter of 2022.

Any last pieces of advice for fellow filmmakers?

Sure I have a few….


  1. Everyone involved needs to make sure they check their egos at the door…

  2. Make sure that your team is reliable Cast, Crew, and Executive body and “ALL” share the same vision and goals that you have set for the project and have the plan or blueprint for it mapped out and ready to carry out.

  3. As for all relationships business or personal proper communication or the breakdown of it can hurt the team, the vision, or the dream don’t let it!

  4. Always have or work with competent people so that the workload is equally shared as much as possible or else turnaround can lag, fall behind, or not get done at all.

  5. Finish what you start… Success never comes from quitting or giving up no matter how hard things get when producing a project… Remember in this business anything can happen, and oftentimes it does!!

  6. Trust your dreams, follow your gut, and never take no for an answer because as cliche as it may sound “Where there’s a will there’s always a way!”

  7. And the last and most important piece of all… “Keep GOD first and in it, because without him none of us would have the gifts or the abilities we have in the first place.”

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