The Tortured Soul

The Tortured Soul Film Spotlight

Today’s film spotlight focuses on the short film The Tortured Soul directed by Andrew De Burgh.

What is the title of your film and what inspired said title?

The title of the film is “The Tortured Soul” and part of the inspiration was trying to come up with a title that instilled tragedy and sadness in the mind of the viewer. It was also meant to be a title that was somewhat ambiguous and abstract as well.


Tell us a little bit about the story and origins of your film.

The film tells the story of a young woman who confronts the serial killer who murdered her husband several years prior. It’s a deeply tragic tale that also examines how moral people can become immoral when tragedy befalls them. The film is mostly told through existential dialogue with a small amount of action. 


Any films or filmmakers that inspired this film?

Some films that inspired this film include the Korean films “Oldboy” and “I Saw the Devil” as well as many of the films of director Park Chan-wook. What I love about both the aforementioned films is the way they blur the line between hero and villain. Though there are established villains in both films, the protagonists also show immoral behavior as well.



What is the goal of the film for you?

There are several goals of the film for me. I love to make films so that is the first one! In terms of the films I like to create, I like to make films that make people think and ponder their own existence and lives. I also like to create cinema that retains a sense of uniqueness. I’d also add that I hope people enjoy the film as well! 


What has the journey been like getting the film into production?

It was a difficult journey raising financing for the project but I was lucky that I had a few investors that believed in me and my vision. Once I got funding for the film, I started gathering together my cast and crew. I was lucky to find Bianca Stam who plays the lead in the film. I also reunited with cinematographer Matt Fore and editor Fernando Viquez, who both worked on my critically acclaimed 2018 feature film “The Bestowal”. I also worked with the talented composer Tracy Nga Yin Lam who composed original music for the film.


One thing you learned from this project?

It’s also something I learned on previous projects but it’s so crucial to do as much work as humanly possible in pre-production to make production and post-production smoother. Plan the work, and work the plan. 


How can folks find you and your film online?


They can follow our Instagram page at @secommercials or our YouTube channel Sacred Ember Commercials. The film hasn’t been released yet as it’s still on the festival circuit but it will be released on Halloween this year on our channel!

Any last pieces of advice for fellow filmmakers?

To keep making films! It’s a very challenging industry but if one keeps charging on ahead, there will be a measure of success in store. Also, don’t listen to people trying to put you off. There are always people who will try to discourage you from filmmaking!

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