Lift Your Story


Sitting down to chat with the Lift Your Story podcast was a great experience. It was actually my first time chatting with two interviewers and it made for a very down to Earth conversation. I’m trying to always write up these blogs a little bit different so I wanted to share more about the hosts of the podcast series.

LaurieAnn Campbell is that gal and she is an award-winning author of Make-up Not Required – How to Brand the True You. She is also a branding expert with a masters in certified handwriting analysis. Roy Miller is a formulation planning expert from Dallas, Texas. He is the author of an upcoming book entitled Chocolate Chip Cookies and he was also a contributing author to Make Up Not Required.

Sitting down to chat we had the chance to of course touch on the book and my inspirations for poetry writing but where the conversation actually went more so was the very early-stage documentary film I am currently researching. The documentary is on the topic of the sweeping changes that enveloped radio especially in the 90s and the topic to talk about just sort of stuck. I always really enjoy when things just take a good turn somewhere naturally like that.

It was a huge pleasure being able to be a guest on this awesome podcast series and one where I hope I can return to soon to talk with them more as the year churns onward. I will leave a link to the exact episode where you can listen to here. I also have the YouTube video embedded below if you’d prefer to watch the episode as well.

Stay safe, stay healthy, and as always thanks for checking out not only my blog but also all these great podcasts which I am humbly honored to be a part of.