Another month has flown by and it seems wild that in such a brief span things have grown so fast here. This month marks my third contributing writer position with the amazing Mother of Movies Reviews, which has given me the chance to watch a lot of great indie horror films. Two of which are included on this list. With that in mind though, what I watched in April was mainly filled more with review obligations than last month, as I would say only one film on this list would make up a “pleasure,” watch. Enough rambling though, let’s dive in!

What I Watched in March

A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night

A film I have seen previously, but as it was part of my weekly films to watch for my master’s program class, I sat down with it to kick off the month. I last saw the film in what felt like a late-night daze in 2014, so I don’t think I could appreciate it then. As many have said before, I will echo here because it is a magnificent film, no doubt about it. It is a slow burn piece so it might not be for someone looking for something faster or with more gory moments, but it has a lot to offer any horror aficionado.

Godzilla vs. Kong

If I had one obsession growing up, it would be all the Japanese Godzilla films I could watch on VHS. The entire versus series and all the cheesy glory was just amazing for me growing up. So anytime a new film in the series comes out, it is a guarantee that I am going to see it. However, the streak of bad variations of the franchise has continued. Not since the 2014 reboot has the series found a balance between the human and creature characters holding importance during the runtime of the film. I was really disappointed, although I must admit just letting it wash over me as I called out some of the plot holes and campy moments was enjoyable.

The Resort

This was one I sat down to for review through Mother of Movies Reviews. This was a more B movie style horror film that had a really cool tropical setting, but it just took much too long to get to the horror. There certainly was a bit of tension as you wait for things to take a turn, but even when they do it still doesn’t hit home as hard as it could. Some of the gore effects are pretty decent, though. If you’d like to read my full review, you can do so here.

Dancing Mary

Another film I was treated to for review through Mother of Movies Reviews. This was a film I sat down to through this year’s Fantaspoa Film Festival, which is held in Brazil. Of course, it was a virtual affair this year, so no lavish trips to the country. This was a decent film which combined a lot of different genres into one horror lined package. Some moments worked better than others, and it almost felt like it would have actually worked better as a miniseries than a full film. Again, you can read the full review here.


This was another review feature for me, but this time through my blog here. Paragon was a film that was really stuck in a rock and a hard place. Coming in at just over an hour long, it really teeters on the feature film/extended short film line. With moments that in some parts felt too slow and others that moved too quick, especially in the end, it either needed to breathe more or tighten up in the runtime. Check out the full review here, but it was still a pretty film to look at with really gorgeous vistas from the American Northwest.

And that is my list from March 2021. What films did you watch? Did you like Godzilla vs. Kong? Let me know in the comments down below and check out the blog where we post new reviews every day but Sunday.

Don’t forget to subscribe to the blog from the homepage and I’ll see you all next month!


Daniel Hess