Cupboardmaker Books – Local Author Weekend
This Saturday July 3rd from 12-2pm I have the distinct pleasure of participating in Cupboardmaker Books‘ local author weekend. In it I will be doing an in person book signing for my book Just a Boy Blaming Himself.
It will be a fun time and hopefully one where I can meet some amazing local authors as well as some great folks to have informed conversations with.
This marks the first time I am doing an actual in person event since publishing the book and I feel incredibly lucky to have the opportunity. I’m also a tad bit nervous, but that is more so because of the phobia of no one showing up in any response to my book but hey that always seems to come with the territory right?
If you can make it out that would be amazing but it is a holiday weekend where a lot of us will be traveling far and wide so I completely understand for those who can’t.
Either way, it will be a lot of fun and maybe if I remember to get some photos during I can do a follow up post early next week but I’m notoriously forgetful when it comes to that so we shall see.
For anyone that is traveling today for the holiday, drive safe, be safe and I hope you have an incredibly fun Fourth of July to come. Also, thank you to all those who have or are serving out there in the military!
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