Zero Issue Review
Zero Issue is a 2020 extended short film directed by Jim Fagan.

An inspired mockumentary that borrows notes from The Office but finds a pleasant sense of style and production value on its own, Zero Issue makes for a fun viewing experience.
If there is one complaint that can be leveraged against this piece it is in the length, with a little over a half hour being just a touch too long. It has been mentioned here before that with a short film it is almost always a good rule of thumb to keep things a little shorter to not fall into that awkward position of “extended short film.”
However, this is certainly not a film that will have you losing interest at any point. It moves along at a brisk pace and the comedic elements fly fast. Nothing lingers for too long and the effects work done for the film, while not being Marvel level is really well done for an indie level of production.

It is always really nice to see when creative drive meets execution, especially on smaller level cinema like this. So, a lot of credit to the entire team for working together to pull it all off. It is not easy, but it was done very well.
As mentioned earlier The Office and by extension Parks and Recreation both have an enormous influence on this short (which is not a bad thing at all), so if you are even a passing fan of either show you will have a good time with this one. Also, if you are a fan of any superhero medium whether that be in the films or comics, this is one for you for sure.

Overall, Zero Issue brings a lot of big creative ambition to the table. It is difficult to want to create something with this much world building, as well as effects needing to be implemented but what we have here certainly achieves that on all fronts. This is one that is a lot of fun to sit down to and while the runtime could use some trimming, it doesn’t distract from the fast pace that stays together until the very end.
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Daniel Hess
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