Baking With Love Review
Baking With Love is a 2021 short animated film from Reeyan Yeoh.

A send up of the Rankin/Bass stop motion style animation, Baking with Love is a dark comedy love letter to the animated holiday specials we all grew up with.
This is a short film that relays heavily on its ending which won’t be spoiled here but it will either become obvious as you watch or catch you completely by surprise.
If there is one piece of the film that is lacking, it would be in the audio department. The voiceover and singing in the film just suffer from some strange mixing which makes some of the words hard to hear. The sound effects, too, seem to be a little jagged in the way they jump out.

The animation itself though is fluid, and the piece is an easy ride from start to finish. At no point does the pace seem to drag or fly too quickly and no element overstays its welcome. It is all very much to the films credit.
It is a simple story with a nice presentation and one that will probably stick with you after the credits roll.

All in all, Baking with Love is a very enjoyable short film. The audio could definitely use a bit of work/refining to get the quality up to par with the animation but outside of that everything else is very enjoyable. There is a lot of care that goes into any amount of stop motion and it especially shows here.
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Daniel Hess
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