July was by far the busiest movie watching month of the year. It is also my birthday month (July 14th). This year I turned the big 31! Crazy, but I was fortunate enough to take a vacation to the west coast. First vacation in over 2 years and also the first time being on the west coast. It was amazing and in between all the travels I was able to sit down to a bunch of feature films this month. Well, enough rambling, what the heck did I watch in July?

Avocado Toast
A fun and well delivered indie comedy that was a surprise quality start to the month. Really enjoyed my time with this one and you can check out the full review here.

Paths of Glory
Went on a bit of a World War I kick this month and wanted to watch a few films that explore that time period. So where else to start but this classic from Stanley Kubrick. Loved it and it is one of his films that I don’t think gets talked about enough, if you have a chance to check it out you should.

Trench 11
Next up from the World War I kick, I really wanted to sit down to some horror films set in the great war and it turns out there were a few options to my surprise. This film is a good little gory romp through an enemy bunker. Not really filled with many twists or turns, but for an indie production there is some solid production at play.

The second leg in the World War I horror, Deathwatch is a totally underrated gem from the early 2000s that is really not to miss. Loved it all the way up to the end, where it gets a little muddled, but all the rest of the elements at play are great. Give this one some love.

Fears of the Dark
A recommendation from a good friend, Fears of the Dark is a French animated short film collection featuring some truly unsettling tales. It is great horror, with stories that are all really well done. The animation holds up extremely well, especially for a film produced in 2007. Another horror gem.

The Set Up
This is one I sat down to for a review which will be published soon. There is some great action choreography going on but it is all undercut by some really horrendous sound mixing. The full review will be up in early August.

A film from Quentin Dupieux that needs no introduction whatsoever. You will either love it or hate it. While I don’t think this is him at his best, you certainly can’t go wrong with any of the outings in his catalogue (as long as you love his style). Plus at only 45 minutes in length this is a quick “feature film.”

Eye Without a Face
Another film for review that will be available on streaming platforms soon. Eye Without a Face presents some modern twists on the Hitchcock style formula but does get a bit weighed down in over-explaining in bits. Another review to be published in early August.

Lockdown 2025
This was another one for review, due out in early August. A mostly forgettable feature that doesn’t find footing by either taking itself more seriously or leaning into the schlocky style it presents. An easy one to pass on.

A great recent horror adjacent feature film from Joel Mchale. Always have been a fan of his work. This one tunes into the comedy as well as darker elements creating a breezy watch that doesn’t overstay its welcome. It also doesn’t get bogged down in the details, making for a solid one to recommend.

Willy’s Wonderland
Another more recent horror feature, this time starring the great Nicholas Cage. This is one that subverts the expectations for a creature or in this case creatures style horror. It is sad this gets so heavily spoiled in the trailer. Once you get past this though there are elements that begin to get tedious. Nic Cage though turns in something amazing though and without him the film wouldn’t be nearly as entertaining.

What else can be said about this movie other than killer jeans? That premise will either sell you or make you cringe. Much like the classic Rubber this is one that I really enjoyed and have been recommending to all my film friends. This is a recent indie horror from Canada that you have to take some time to support. Loved it!

Secret Within the Sphere
Yet one more film that will have a full review out in early August, Secret Within the Sphere certainly wins big points for trying to be such an epic film in scope. Sadly though the small budget shines through all too much and the limitations hold it back from ascending to more greatness.

The Stylist
Another interesting horror film this month (noticing a theme here). This is one that has a unique premise that is used mostly effectively. The ending is so strong here that even with a slower third act, this is one worth the time. Really good gore here too that isn’t overused at all.

Bad Trip
Absolutely hilarious. The way in which story is delivered through hidden camera antics is great and really raises the bar with what you can do with this style of filmmaking. Not quite a Hollywood feature, but a step above just documentary style pranks, a great film to just get lost in the comedy/spectacle of it all.

Baby Don’t Cry
A solid indie drama that will have a full review by mid August. This has some great lead performances and a unique setting/style to call its own. The third act gets a bit muddy but overall a solid film that I can’t wait to share a full review on.