Better Know An Author Drew Paige

Better Know An Author – Drew Paige

Our weekly spotlight series on authors from around the world. This week we sat down with Drew Paige!

Please give a brief introduction, including your name and where you are based

My name is Drew Paige, and I am the author of The Darkness Within a Memoir. I am based out of Chicago, Illinois.  


What book or books have you published or are working on at the moment?

My memoir The Darkness Within has been published with New Degree Press. My book is coming out at the end of August, beginning of September 2021 at Barnes and Noble and Amazon. I have been working on this book since last year and am so excited about its release! I am currently working with Devix Szell, a muti- talented actor/musician/screenwriter on the screenplay for my memoir.  I am hopeful that my story will be adapted to film.  


I am currently speaking to producers/directors in hopes to make this become a reality. There needs to be a change for people to have something to watch to identify with when it comes to mental struggles.  


What drives you to write?

What drives me to write is helping others through my own pain that I have gone through in my life. When I decided I was going to write my story, I had a purpose in the words I put onto the pages of this book. It was a cathartic release of emotions that I had been holding in my whole life.  


I felt that if I could translate my trauma into this story. I could possibly save other people’s lives who felt hopeless in their own struggles. My hope is that other people can see themselves in my writing. That they will feel less alone when it comes to anxiety, depression, a diagnosis, or any other mental struggles a person goes through.  

Where can folks find you online and on social media?

Twitter- @drewpaige44

Instagram- @drewpaige_author

Linkedln- Drew Paige


What is one piece of advice you would give to another author out there who might be struggling?

My advice would be to never underestimate the power of the creativity that you hold within you. I had never written a book. I am a first-time author. I took a risk, a leap of faith, believing that I was an artist. Never underestimate yourself as an author. Believe in the creative process and be patient and kind to yourself. Without risk, there is no reward…



What are some of your five-year goals with writing?

My primary goal is to continue to get my memoir made into a movie. I will not stop until I attain this goal, as a close friend said to me, “You are relentless. ” I will never give up until my dream is attained.

Another goal I have is to give a TED Talk about mental illness and struggle. I would love to be able to share my thoughts and feelings on such a huge platform.

I would love to be a best seller. Not for fame or fortune, but to have my story be so successful it can reach everyone in the world who has struggled or is struggling. To bring peace to people heart’s and minds. My purpose in my life working in mental health and foster care as a caseworker has been to help people heal. My memoir can help make people feel less alone.


Final thoughts?

Take a chance! I am forty-five years old. It is never too late to reach for your dreams! I never imagined I would be a published author. I took a chance and made my dream into a reality. 


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