Bizarre Early 90s Anime

90s Anime

Growing up as a kid of the 90s, it was a time of discovery for many a future fan of anime. As someone who didn’t even have access to cable, even watching things outside of what would be perceived as your normal every day programming was even harder. A nice hit of nostalgia that washed over me this week though was sitting down to this amazing deep dive into late 80s/early 90s VHS ripped anime by the youtuber hazel. It is a fascinating look into bizarre early 90s anime that we all seem to never get enough of.

It is a long video but one worth checking out as she talks at great length about anime I had never heard of until this point.

Again, getting back on track, my exposure was so limited with anime really until about 2004/2005 when cable became a thing in my childhood home and the internet was also much more accessible.

Taking a step back again (sorry I’m all over the place on this one) the very first anime I ever saw was the music video collection for Daft Punk’s Discovery album and it blew me away. From that point forward, I was hooked, and I didn’t even know what I was watching for sure until many years later in high school on a YouTube hunt to find those videos all over again (which I did in 2007).

So, for me the early 90s anime world is a totally lost one, and it feels so good being able to discover the amazing work by creators so far away and being adults in a completely different era.

I am trying to do more things to showcase creators that I love watching so that maybe you can find new discoveries too in your life. If you are a fan of anime at any level though check out hazel’s video if you haven’t already. I promise you won’t be disappointed.


Daniel Hess

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