Double Walker Review
Double Walker is a 2021 feature film directed by Colin West.

Taking cues from A Ghost Story with tinges of Donnie Darko, Double Walker doesn’t hit the same emotional beats as either film, but delivers a narrative that is interesting enough to keep you watching all the way through.
For a low budget indie film, what we are presented with has some beautiful imagery courtesy of cinematography from Colin West. The nice clean style provides a charm to the film as a whole.
The major drawback of the film comes in the form of our lead ghostly presence herself, who seems to conform to both rules of being an apparition and one that can interact with humans around her. Now, of course, this is a simple decision given the title of the film itself, but it seems arbitrary as it only really works to service the plot.

The other problem is that while this becomes a tale of vengeance, there is not really a mystery that goes too deep. These men who committed a horrendous act are not part of anything larger, nor do they present any real challenge to being hunted down. Therefore, most of the action that we see could be boiled down into a much quicker timeframe.
The film through this feels like it is dragging it all out, giving us as little breadcrumbs as it can. In its place, there really aren’t too many philosophical questions asked or deeper yearnings really explored to make up for this either. In the films mentioned at the beginning, we are given much more existentialism to sink our teeth into, whereas here the weak mystery storyline only hampers what could have been.

That becomes the main issue, is that much like being a ghost and person amongst the living, we have a bit of a case of split personality. Stuck in between two worlds of mystery/thriller and philosophical existentialism. We don’t get a good mix of either and while Double Walker still holds interest; it is really only a film that can hold your attention just enough for a singular viewing experience.
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Daniel Hess
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