Entombed Review
Entombed is a 2020 feature film written and directed by Kjell Hammero.

While not shaking up any long-standing formulas in the zombie genre, Entombed still keeps things moving at a solid enough pace to provide an enjoyable viewing experience.
As mentioned very briefly, this is not a film that changes up anything we haven’t already seen in the world of zombies/dystopian settings. That is probably the biggest weakness of the film. It is really easy to genuinely judge what you are about to get into based on the introductory setting alone.
However, the story twist we have here is in the decision to produce what is essentially a “bottle” style movie wherein a few characters occupy a single space for most of the film. It takes us away from the surface and delivers a strong enough character study piece.

While again we are not walking on unfamiliar ground, the acting from our two leads is really what holds the glue of the film together. Even though we both know exactly which roles each will occupy, the chemistry from both actors really shines through any cliched notions that we might share.
The other side of the coin for the film lies in the visuals, which are mixed throughout. Some moments the cinematography really shines through, while in other digital grain pops out against the blacks enough to keep things from building to a better level. It is known here that this was, of course, filmed on a small budget, but springing for some better fidelity equipment would have helped things immensely.
The set design is good here too, although in moments that have that movie set feeling of almost being too over designed. The effort is recognized and is handled competently, but there were some personal moments looking at everything and getting this almost haunted house attraction feeling from it all.

Entombed keeps the pace strong and provides for an easy to sit down to movie for a late-night viewing. Horror fans may be left wanting a little more horror, while drama fans may be turned off by the post-apocalyptic setting but if you go in with the right understanding of what the film is and can forgive some less than stellar visual moments, you’ll have a good enough time.
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Daniel Hess
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