Better Know An Author – Elena Ivanova
Our weekly spotlight series on authors from around the world. This week we sat down with Elena Ivanova!

Please give a brief introduction, including your name and where you are based
Elena Ivanova. Born in Russia, I travel between various third world countries, because it is the only way I, a Russian, can be with the person I love, a Canadian.
What book or books have you published or are working on at the moment?
I “self-published” two books in Russian, Говорящая с луной and Параллель. One book in English, Talking to the Moon. And two pamphlets, Freedom from Sexual Tyranny and A Dangerously Unconventional View of Canada.
What drives you to write?
When I write something based on my own experience, I solve things for myself that needs solving. I also share my experience with others, I feel connected to people. The pamphlets are a way, for me, to bring up the issues that bother me and have fun at the same time.

Where can folks find you online and on social media?
On my website elenaivanova.uk
What is one piece of advice you would give to another author out there who might be struggling?
In the era of vast abyss of “content” online (imagine trying to be heard on an island full of thousands of screaming penguins – there is simply no way) one has to remain completely detached from your reader. In the sense that you can’t expect to be read. The reality of the day, you are writing for yourself, mainly. And only after that, if you are lucky and talented, you might get yourself some readers. Also, consider, that Internet and Social media made people stupid and lazy. They simply have no attention span to read and they won’t read. Face that fact. Face that the most of your fellow Earthlings care not a bit what you have to say or that humans, for instance, send amazing telescopes to space. Realize that you audience is tiny and that makes it that much harder to reach them. Nearly impossible. It us up to you to decide how you will go on with that.
What are some of your five-year goals with writing?
I would love to start with 20 copies of any of my books being sold a week.

Final Thoughts?
We need to grow up and start respecting ourselves. So what that there are millions of people out there, online. Imagine what they are and realize that you might not even want to do anything with them and that they are not your target audience. I would recommend writing for yourself.
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