The Hunting

The Hunting Film Spotlight

Today’s film spotlight focuses on the feature film The Hunting directed by Mark A. Hamer.

What is the title of your film and what inspired said title?

The Hunting – inspired by the goals of the characters in the film. Each is hunting for something different. One character is hunting for the truth of her past, one is hunting for respect, another is hunting for peace, and another is hunting for blood.


Tell us a little bit about the story and origins of your film.

The film is a reimagined wolfman film. The story is about a combat veteran who returned from service with PTSD. That PTSD manifests itself in supernatural ways. We use the wolf as a metaphor for the PTSD. The idea was originated by Terry Ryan. (a co-writer and co-producer) Terry is a former US Marine. He would often hear other servicemen talk about “the beast they brought back” after duty. He originated the story as a way to communicate in a different way what he was hearing from fellow Marines. His wife, Heather, Terry and I wrote the script together. 


Any films or filmmakers that inspired this film?

Old classic wolfman films inspired the project. The wolf in the film is a practical makeup and we wanted to echo that classic wolfman look.



What is the goal of the film for you?

The goal of the film was to use our craft to bring awareness to veterans and honor their service in our own way. We also wanted to create the film in northeast Ohio with as much local cast and crew that we could. Our leads came from out of state but supporting roles and all crew are from Ohio where we filmed.



What has the journey been like getting the film into production?

Like all films it was a rollercoaster. We started before the pandemic and it was a very different project. When COVID happened we retooled. We simplified the script, reduced the number of characters, made INT scenes EXT, and reworked scenes to be able to be executed with minimal crew to keep the number of people down on set. It was a big task. We wanted to push through and make the film but do it safely and responsibly.


One thing you learned from this project?

To be honest there are so many things, but one thing stands out. To get things to happen you just have to keep going, keep pushing forward, and keep asking. If someone closes a door or says no that’s okay, just go to the next one. And it’s so important to surround yourself with people you respect and can get along with. We were very lucky to assemble a cast/crew that worked well with each other, got along, and had fun shooting. That’s important because days and nights are long.


How can folks find you and your film online?


The production company is Garage Creative Studios and can be found at Also social, FB @garagecreativestudios, FB @thehuntingmovie, IG @garagecreativestudios, IG @huntingmovie2021. The film is out on major streaming platforms now. Apple TV, Amazon, Google Play, Vudu, Redbox.

Any last pieces of advice for fellow filmmakers?

Just keep going, keep pushing, and keep moving the project forward. Even if it is little bits at a time. And try not to get in your own way. Surround yourself with good people and let them do their jobs.

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