Sweet Dreams Film Spotlight
Today’s film spotlight focuses on the short film Sweet Dreams directed by Christopher Cox.

What is the title of your film and what inspired said title?
Sweet Dreams. It’s the first words of the film. I wanted to capture the audience right away with an ominous, motherly voice saying words that should be comforting. But since it’s horror-you know it’s about to be a nightmare!
Tell us a little bit about the story and origins of your film.
This film is based on my own night terrors I would experience as a kid. I’d often feel like something was in my room watching me, so I would hide under the covers to feel safe. Over the years I’ve built my own rituals in order to sleep that have carried into adulthood. I wanted to explore that and relate to others you’ve had the same experiences.
Any films or filmmakers that inspired this film?
Hereditary was my biggest inspiration for look and tone. That movie terrified me in a way that no horror film has since I was a child. This was also heavily inspired by the scariest video game I’ve ever played: P.T. Specifically “The Figure” was inspired by the ghost “Lisa”.

What is the goal of the film for you?
Creep and terrify haha. Also, relate to people and show that it’s okay to still have childhood fears as an adult.
What has the journey been like getting the film into production?
This was my first full solo independent film out of college. Every step of the process was done meticulously to fully capture my vision. I didn’t care how long or how much it would cost (obviously money is limited but it’s a small film so I knew it wouldn’t break my bank). A lot of the crew I had worked with before so it ended up being mostly a group of friends coming together to make a spooky horror film!
One thing you learned from this project?
Darkness is TRICKY. Especially when you are coloring it. I wanted to capture true darkness that the human eye can be tricked with into thinking something is there. However every monitor/viewing experience is different so I learned it was impossible for EVERY viewer to see my film the way I envisioned it.
How can folks find you and your film online?
YouTube: CACox97. It’s my newest horror film and the start of a new chapter in my career. I’m currently in the process of making my next horror film and plan to make many more!

Any last pieces of advice for fellow filmmakers?
Other than watch out for darkness because it’s tricky, plan out your shots meticulously for slow, methodical films. Prepare for costs to increase in your budget and put the money towards what is MOST important for your film. Push yourself to make the best film you can and you will learn a lot.
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