Better Know An Author – WJ Cintron
Our weekly spotlight series on authors from around the world. This week we sat down with WJ Cintron!

Please give a brief introduction, including your name and where you are based
My name is WJ Cintron, and I’ve been living in LA, California for the last nine years. It’s been a roller coaster. I’ve met so many amazing creators, and I’ve learned so much from every single opportunity I’ve had to work in the arts, which is my passion.
What book or books have you published or are working on at the moment?
I published a novella in 2016. It was a thriller and it’s currently out of publication, since it was more of a cathartic work than anything else.
Ill Shadows is the first novel I published, as a work of fiction. It is co-written with, Jean Nasser, who’s also an actor and filmmaker. Our book is a YA thriller, with sci-fi and gothic elements. I’ve always loved the paranormal genre and I have a fascination with everything gothic. I wanted to give a different approach to ghosts and was excited to have the opportunity to explore it through the eyes of Daniela, who the main characters believe was left for dead at the beach. They soon find out, she’s very much alive.
The novel has three romance arcs: one friends to lovers, a strangers to lovers, and our main slow burn sapphic relationship, a hate to love romance. Even though their relationship takes time to surge, given the fact it’s a slow burn, once it does, it doesn’t slow down.
What drives you to write?
I’ve had a passion for writing since I was a little girl. I started writing short verses and cute poems with silly rhymes. Then I played around with monologues. I think they are a great exercise for creating inner dialogue and digging deep into your characters’ minds, a way to get to know them better. It wasn’t until I was an adult, when I started writing short stories. I love reading and writing flash fictions from 500 – 2k words.
In the present time, I think what motivates me to write are all the feelings that haunt me when I sit and reflect upon what we as “human” beings, as a society, a whole, have become. A ton of questions arise and even disgust, if that word can somehow describe the pressure that builds up in my chest every time I see all the injustice, prejudice, suffering, cyberbullying from kids AND adults in our everyday life and on social media. It’s totally unacceptable. At least it should be. Personally, I find the word human, a little too big to describe what we have become. Laughable beings and unfortunately embarrassing would be a better word to use.
I believe there’s no such thing as perfection, and I don’t think this world we live in will ever reach such parameters. I mean, when you watch an animal, and realize they have more common sense and sympathy towards their kind AND others than us, the feeling you get in the pit of your stomach messes you up. There’s no way you can unsee it, even when we all turn the page. If you read comments on social media on such videos or photos, you’ll find tons of how cute, aww, but only the minority will say something about the fact.
When will you draw a line?
Difficult situations are not fixed by ignoring the root of the problem. It’s modified by taking small steps at a time. We live in a world where being kind, nice and good to others is questionable.
How did we get there?
How come being nice for no reason at all, is something that raises a flag. Something for the person receiving the act of kindness to worry about. To feel uneasy.
Kindness should be the norm, not a flag.
It’s 2022 and the world is still aching. Kids are aching, adults, seniors, members of the LGBTQIA+ community, POC, people of different cultures, religions, the sick, the ill, the poor, the rich. Everyone’s aching. We just keep on scrolling, put on a happy face, and say or do nothing about it. When we at least can be an example of kindness. It’s a choice. You can wake up in the morning and say, “Hey I’m gonna be the best version of myself today. I’m gonna be good to others for no reason at all.” Or you can choose to be an asshole. A smile is free. It benefits your body and you don’t even know how that smile will affect that stranger you encountered at a coffeeshop. You may have saved their lives, because sometimes, that’s all we need, a pat on the back. We need to be seen.
Humanity is almost completely gone. It’s heartbreaking. There’s a huge need for humanity, empathy and kindness in this place we shouldn’t call home.
Pain drives me to write. I know pain inside out. I’ve experienced it like many others have, since I was little. Pain has never left my life. I’m a domestic violence survivor, so I know what emotional pain feels like and how it feels to be in physical pain by the hands of a man who swore to love you and who you loved. I also suffer from Fibromyalgia, and I can tell you it is no joke. Pain is in my skin, bones and nerves, every second, of every hour for the last 20+ years. It doesn’t mean I’m depressed or that I’m suffering right now. I want readers understand where I’m coming from, and why pain drives my writing.
Having experienced emotional and physical pain through a long period of time, taught me a lot. I’ve learned that even though it comes uninvited and in every state and form imaginable, you should let pain do its shit. That way, it won’t define you. Because you are NOT your pain. You are NOT your scars. You are NOT a victim. You are beautiful, worth it, and you can live a happy life with what you’re given. Again, it’s a choice. Everything in life is. That’s why I added the #LetPainDoItsShit to my profile. I live by it, and it has improved my life since I stopped complaining, and started seeing the beauty that comes from it. Pain can feel so good if you allow it to. My character, Amber, portrays this message in our novel Ill Shadows. She’s a badass, and I’ve enjoyed bringing her to life in the story.
That’s what we wanted to accomplish with our novel. Awaken a sense of humanity in our readers. The need of kindness, the importance of mental health. We wanted to reach the masses and scream to the world that we are ALL the same! NO need for hate, judgement or prejudice. That pain unfortunately is a part of life, but it’s temporary and it can be a vessel for healing. It can feel good. That’s the main message of Ill Shadows. You are not alone. There are others struggling like you, and it will get better if you choose to act positively about it.
The book is written in first person and from the characters’ point of view, to give us the opportunity to dig deep into their pain. It touches mental health, and the importance of working on your monsters, so you can get better. The importance of breaking our walls. The need for therapy and how it’s a great source instead of something to be ashamed. We, the authors of the book, have gone through years of therapy in the past. It saved us. Why be ashamed of it?
It also touches on PTSD, grief, which I think is a theme that needs to be addressed, and it also digs deep into the feelings of being part of the LGBT community, not as a coming of age story, but how Natalie feels. How does she cope with grief, guilt, desire, fear and anger? All those emotions get thrown at her when she’s in dorm arrest and finds herself having feelings for Amber. She will push her buttons. That’s how her vulnerability is tested.

Where can folks find you online and on social media?
You can find me on Instagram as @wj.cintron where I share everything I’m working on. You can also follow me on Goodreads, ask me a question or contact me via email at hello@starvingwords.com.
What is one piece of advice you would give to another author out there who might be struggling?
To never give up. To believe in themselves. It’s hard sometimes, but pain is temporary. And when it hurts, the rewards in the long run will feel so good. So, don’t stop! If writing is your passion, keep at it.
What are some of your five-year goals with writing?
I want to keep on writing and somehow touch their hearts. I want to publish a book of poetry. That’s been another goal of mine since I was little. I’m working on some Kindle Vella stories. I find it fun and a great platform for all authors to dive into.
I’m also working on the second book of the Shadowverse trilogy, Souls Adrift. And who knows, maybe dive into a whole new story, or co-write with other authors.
Final Thoughts?
First, I want to thank you so much for this opportunity to share with our readers a little bit of what’s going on inside our heads. It’s been fun and somehow cathartic.
To the readers:
If you have a passion, wake up every morning with a realistic plan on how to take that one step that will put you closer to meeting your short-term goals. Little by little, never rush, but do something.
Remember you are worth it, beautiful, and perfection is overrated. Reach for help if you need to. If you’re shinning, share a little bit of your light with others in this world full of dull creatures.
Don’t ever let the shadows of your life take a hold of you.
Stay human!
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Excellent, informative, supportive words of Wisdom.