A Comedy of Horrors Volume 1

A Comedy of Horrors Volume 1 Film Spotlight

Today’s film spotlight focuses on the feature film A Comedy of Horrors Volume 1.

What is the title of your film and what inspired said title?

A Comedy of Horrors Volume 1.

Well…A Comedy of Terrors was taken. It’s a Vincent Price film. So we wanted to go with a Shakespearian feel…because you know…we take our selves very seriously. 😉


Tell us a little bit about the story and origins of your film.

Our film is a horror comedy anthology heavy on the comedy. There are four bizarre short stories that are brought together by a fifth story about a substitute teacher telling age in-appropriate tales to a class of pre-K children. They are all completely different keeping the viewer on edge as to what may happen next.

Our origin came from the want to make a film with as many of our talented friends as we could. We felt with five different short films all mashed into one feature we could showcase the talent of quite a few crew and cast members and I think we were able to Dom that on a limited indie budget.


Any films or filmmakers that inspired this film?

The are a few that inspired our creation. Creep Show-Tales From The Crypt-Twilight Zone…The Movie. Also films like Scary Movie-Sean of the Dead-Zombieland have all influenced how we create our films.



What is the goal of the film for you?

Pure and Simple-Make people laugh! There’s a lot going on in the real world that kind of sucks and if we can give someone an escape for 90 minutes and they laugh while watching we have accomplished what we set out to do.


What has the journey been like getting the film into production?

Crazy. With a limited budget and limited shooting dates we were under the gun to produce some high quality product under pressure. And with five different films shooting with different directors it was at times like herding cats. And we all know…cats are not going to be put in a herd. It’s just not who they are!


One thing you learned from this project?

We can adjust quickly and adapt to almost any situation and still put out a high quality film!


How can folks find you and your film online?


They can click on our link tree here: https://linktr.ee/acohv1 for our streaming platforms and more information. They can also go to IMDb or Google “A Comedy of Horrors Volume 1.”

Any last pieces of advice for fellow filmmakers?

Don’t wait to make your project a reality. You can figure it out. This is our second film released and we are in point production on our third. And once that is finished and ready we are going right into our fourth. It’s all doable! Just go!!!

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