The Woman

The Woman Film Spotlight

Today’s film spotlight focuses on the short film The Woman directed by Rose Kreider.

What is the title of your film and what inspired said title?

The title of my film is The Woman. What inspired the name origin was the significance of the woman who is in the film. There are two women who are important characters, and by the middle of it, it will be unveiled to the audience which woman the title is referring to. I love the element of surprise!


Tell us a little bit about the story and origins of your film.

The Woman is about a struggling art student who attends the University of Washington. He finds out that the family he was raised with aren’t really blood relatives, as his parents had a freak accident when he was with them when he was just 8 months old. The woman he calls his mother kidnapped him after his parents’ death. He must make the hard decision to stick with what he knows as his family and who raised him, or if he wishes to pursue finding out who he really is.

The Woman is all filmed in the state of WA; identifying some of the most serene and picturesque locations we have to offer and is a feature film drama that has won an international film festival Best Drama Feature as well as Rose Kreider for Best Director of av Drama.


Any films or filmmakers that inspired this film?

Rose Kreider, I, had it in a dream and awoke the next day, wrote it all down from beginning to end, and within 3 months executed it on film!



What is the goal of the film for you?

The goal of this film was to show what my skills and ambitions of being a female filmmaker in the PNW can be. It was my directorial debut and I had hopes for people to want to work with me after seeing The Woman, whether it was supporting my production company, Rose Kreider Productions, if you’re an actor I have hopes that you’d want to work with me on future projects, and if you’re a fellow writer, I have hopes that you’ll reach me to create your work into a film, whether it’s a short or a feature!

Since the release in March 2022, I have been approached by a screenplay writer to turn his story into a short, as well as an Amazon book author looking to make his book into a film series!


What has the journey been like getting the film into production?

A dream, honestly. It’s completely surreal to see your idea turn to paper, which turns to on-screen and for thousands of people to enjoy. The movie premier in March was one of my most memorable days.


One thing you learned from this project?

One thing I learned from this project is to take as much time as you need as possible. Trust that the film will get done and get out to the world, but it takes time and that you should take as much time and breaks as you need to not overload yourself.


How can folks find you and your film online?


You can follow me on Insta @rosekreider,, check out my portfolio if you’re interested in working with me here: And if you’re interested to watch The Woman, we are charging $5 for the private YouTube link! Just pay either on Paypal by searching @rosekreiderprod or on Indiegogo platform here,–2#/discussion, that we’re raising money for my next production, Deadly Delivery, a feature happening this summer and out in 2023. Once purchased, message me and I will gladly send the link! Thank you in advance for your support and interest.

Any last pieces of advice for fellow filmmakers?

Set goals for yourself, make connections in your desired industry and make things happen! If you sit on ideas and put off opportunities, your name will not be spoken amongst your peers. Its not easy work, but once executed it really does pay off!

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