Over the Next Horizon

Over the Next Horizon Film Spotlight

Today’s film spotlight focuses on the feature film Over the Next Horizon directed by Alex Clegg.

What is the title of your film and what inspired said title?

‘Over The Next Horizon’ is a heavily improvisational project, and as the themes of the story developed throughout production, the choice of title fit the story.


Tell us a little bit about the story and origins of your film.

I started filming ‘Over The Next Horizon’ by myself in the evenings after my day job, catching golden hour as the story of a man, alone in apocalyptic Australia unfolded. Throughout the following 12 months a story unfolded, following a character who is desperately trying to charge his phone in order to connect with his missing wife.


Any films or filmmakers that inspired this film?

I have always been a big fan of apocalyptic films. I grew up reading the Walking Dead graphic novels as a kid, and watching films like George Romero’s Night/Dawn/Day trilogy, 28 Days Later, The Road, and Mad Max. Later as a teenager my obsession continued through my own apocalypse films starring anyone I could convince to get behind my parent’s camera. One standout was a zombie film I made in 2011.

For years, I had directed my focus on short films – releasing them on the channel I ran with my close friends, ‘Late Night .99’. However I began absorbing feature films released for free on YouTube and followed this discourse online. It did become apparent to me that I didn’t need permission to make a feature film. I only needed a camera and a story.



What is the goal of the film for you?

My sole goals with ‘Over The Next Horizon’ are to:

  1. Improve as a filmmaker

  2. Entertain folk


What has the journey been like getting the film into production?

Getting the film into production was easy. I set up the camera, and performed for it. I am not making this film for the progression of a career, financial gain, or recognition. This is purely art for others to enjoy. The only people gatekeeping this film are my trusted creative collaborators, which made getting the film into production a freeing, collaborative, joyous process.

However as there was no crew, the creation of ‘Over The Next Horizon’ was challenging at times. Shooting a scene could potentially take twice as long being in front of the camera and behind it, and it limited the variety of shots that could be used throughout. This limitation however pushed me to new creative places to tell the story.


One thing you learned from this project?

I learned from this project an insane amount of practical skills, however the most valuable lesson I am going to take away with me is to do with scheduling. I shot my film over 20+ shooting days spanning a period of 12 months, which has exhausted me over time. The next long form film I create is going to be shot in a shorter, consecutive period.


How can folks find you and your film online?


‘Over The Next Horizon’ is going to be released online for free on my YouTube Channel Late Night .99 on the 16th of July.

Any last pieces of advice for fellow filmmakers?

Seriously. Just make your movie.

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