Better Know An Author – Dustin Stevens
Our weekly spotlight series on authors from around the world. This week we sat down with Dustin Stevens!

Please give a brief introduction, including your name and where you are based
Aloha, everybody! My name is Dustin Stevens, and while I originally hail from the Midwest, I’ve lived pretty much all over the country since. For more than the last decade, Oahu has been my home, though shortly before the start of the pandemic I relocated to the mainland and currently reside in San Diego.
What book or books have you published or are working on at the moment?
To date, I’ve published more than sixty works, the vast majority being mystery/thriller novels. These include the Reed & Billie series, which feature Detective Reed Mattox and his K-9 partner Billie, a solid black Belgian Malinois, the Hawk Tate novels, focusing on former DEA agent and current Yellowstone park guide Hawk Tate, and the HAM and Zoo Crew books.
In addition to more than twenty standalones, I have also started a series of children’s books following Danny the Daydreamer in his various misadventures, and recently artwork was completed for my first graphic novel.
Also, late last year, I officially relaunched my pen name TR Kohler, which serves as a platform for a connected universe of novels featuring characters of various talents and abilities.
What drives you to write?
I often get asked where all the various ideas for stories stem from, and my answer is always some variation of, “ideas aren’t the problem…it’s finding the time to get them all down.”
I say this now because I think that desire to get as many stories out into the world as possible is what keeps me coming to the keyboard each day. Every single aspect of the world around us has a tale to be shared that can hopefully serve to entertain, enlighten, or connect others.
Where can folks find you online and on social media?
A full rundown of my work, including links and synopses can be found at www.dustinstevens.com.
On social media, I can be found under my own name at https://www.facebook.com/AuthorDustinStevens/ and https://www.instagram.com/dstevens5408/
For TR Kohler, I am available at https://www.facebook.com/AuthorTRKohler and https://www.instagram.com/authortrkohler/
What is one piece of advice you would give to another author out there who might be struggling?
Keep doing what you’re doing! The industry is evolving so fast these days – both in terms of taste and accessibility – that there is a good chance whatever difficulties you’re now experiencing, someone is already devising a way to get around.
What are some of your five-year goals with writing?
While my main focus will always be to continue writing and serving the readers, I’m also really excited about the buildout of everything else around it, whether it be continuing to expand the TR Kohler universe, adding a third pen name, or just evolving with the ever-changing opportunities that arise.
Final Thoughts?
Thank you so much for having me, and thanks as always to the many wonderful readers who make all of this possible!
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I’ll check out your books! They sound intriguing!