Coffee & Do Overs Film Spotlight
Today’s film spotlight focuses on the short film Coffee & Do Overs directed by Sandra Williams.

What is the title of your film and what inspired said title?
Coffee & Do Overs- (RomCom, fantasy) Produced by All Dog Entertainment, Directed by Sandra Williams, Filmed by Lyle Dillie, Written by Christan van Slyke. Starring Christie Maxwell & Jacob Letman.
Logline: After an embarrassing encounter with her crush, Blake; Rosie stumbles into him again, at an overcrowded coffee shop that same evening. Has a second chance been orchestrated on her behalf?
Tell us a little bit about the story and origins of your film.
Rosie has had a crush on a coworker for some time. But, through her awkward attempts and introverted tendencies, she has failed to properly convey how she truly feels. Today, everything in her world is finally working for her and the universe seemingly orchestrates a redo, a second chance to win her love, Blake, over.
I’m a hopeless romantic as they call it, so the idea of a fantastical way to bring true love together, is refreshing and heart warming for me. Rosie is a lot like me in real life, socially awkward, insecure at times, introspective and quiet. I felt it my mission to create a story where she gets a little help, a little boldness thrust upon her, a little encouragement from her surroundings that she’s making the right decision, that her motives are pure. She’s a rare, beautiful soul and I feel others will relate to this story as well! We’ve all been afraid to reach out or go after that one person before, or go after that dream that frightens us and would require us to boldly break out of our shell.

What is the goal of the film for you?
I would love for this film to not only reach many, but inspire many to break out of their comfort zone. My hope is that this film encourages people to chase after their dreams and work through those human quirks we each have. They make us unique and beautiful but can hinder us sometimes, especially when we’re afraid to take that step forward, due to discouragement or fear of what others may think or say.
I am hopeful for worldwide distribution and a potential feature in the future. Of course, we would need funding assistance for that. But I believe with a little faith and lots of hard work, anything is possible! We will keep pushing forward and I hope others are inspired to do the same.
What has the journey been like getting the film into production?
As any independent filmmaker knows, it’s challenging to get a script into production. Thankfully, Sandra Williams and her production company, All Dog Entertainment, in Arizona, have embraced my, sometimes outlandish ideas and pushed many of them into production. I am so thankful to have connected with her and her hardworking team. It takes time. Moving a script into production doesn’t happen overnight, especially when funding is an issue. Although it has taken a while to get this film into production, I am so thankful we waited for what was seemingly the perfect time because we were able to cast Christie Maxwell and Jacob Letman as the leads, Rosie and Blake. They were absolutely perfect for the roles and we cannot wait to share their performances with everyone! Looking at the behind the scenes work, the cast and crew knocked it out of the park! I couldn’t be more pleased.
One thing you learned from this project?
I have learned, once again, that there is a time for everything. Although I was anxious to get this story filmed a while back, I am so thankful we waited for the cast we were wanting! Everything fell perfectly into place. Sometimes things don’t work out as we think they should, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t working out in our favor. Sometimes, “not now” is the answer and we will come to understand that down the road, when things finally fall into place as they should.
The key is to keep pushing forward, working toward the goal in mind with a united crew. I can’t express this enough! It is so important to use discernment when choosing who you collaborate with. This can make or break a project. A crew that’s not moving forward as a united front, will not succeed. It’s so important to surround yourself with like minded individuals, with similar drive, work ethics and values.
How can folks find you and your film online?
Although, Coffee & Do Overs is currently in post production, I will share the IMDB Link and Facebook Link to stay informed, as well as my own personal links to check out some other upcoming work as well! We are currently gearing up for our first feature with All Dog Entertainment! Stay tuned! The best is yet to come! Breakthrough’s are coming! Very much looking forward to sharing more of my stories with the world!
Christan’s IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/ name/nm3578545/
Christan’s Website: https://cvanslyke713.wixsite. com/christanvanslyke
Christan’s Facebook: https://www.facebook. com/ christanvanslykescreenwriter
Christan’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ christanvanslyke
Christan’s Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/ ofchristansmind
Coffee & Do Overs IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/ title/tt10910060/
Coffee & Do Overs Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CoffeeAndDoOversShortFilm

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