Better Know An Author – Meli Bee
Our weekly spotlight series on authors from around the world. This week we sat down with Meli Bee!

Please give a brief introduction, including your name and where you are based
Hi, I’m Melissa Rae Brett (Meli Bee), a children’s book author living in Sydney, Australia. By day I’m a mental health education resource developer at the Black Dog Institute, and by night am ‘Meli, Maker of Many Colourful Things’.
What book or books have you published or are working on at the moment?
‘Bibi – The Cat Who Said Moo’ for ages 3-6 years was released as a self-published picture book with gorgeous illustrations by the lovely Charlotte Watkins. It went on sale through IngramSpark in October 2021.
In the story, Bibi moves house and sets out to make new friends but everyone laughs at her. Feeling discouraged, Bibi wonders if she’ll ever find friends in this new place. But she rallies her courage and keeps searching, eventually receiving a wonderfully unexpected reward.
Bibi’s story is about the challenges of being different and the rewards of being yourself. Themes include diversity, courage, persistence, acceptance and unconditional love.
Other books I’m working on include a wordless picture book about some wonderful community support during COVID lockdown and a fun chapter book for young readers with environmental themes.
What drives you to write?
The stories that appear in my mind and simply won’t go away! Also the amazing young people I know who are a constant source of inspiration. When I was younger stories really helped me – many of the messages from childhood books are still with me. I’d love to write stories that inspire children and adults too.

Where can folks find you online and on social media?
What is one piece of advice you would give to another author out there who might be struggling?
The struggle is part of writing, painful though it can be at times. Ask yourself what support you need and make sure you get it. Question any ideas about what success looks like. Take a break, do something that inspires you. Then find the next simple task that you can do easily.
What are some of your five-year goals with writing?
To publish my chapter book for kids. And possibly start writing a book for adults – something is brewing but the idea isn’t fully formed.

Final Thoughts?
I believe anyone can do whatever they want to do, be whatever they want to be. Which isn’t to say it will be an easy path. It definitely takes a willingness to learn, navigation of challenges, enough self-belief and the sacrifice of some things – not just time but our own ideas about ourselves and what we can and can’t do. Being creative is a wonderful gift and the world needs all our inspiring gifts. So let’s get out there and create!
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