The Key of Life Review

The Key of Life is a 2020 short film by Deepak Kumar Ram and Anku Parashar.

The Key of Life is a meditative reflection on life as a whole. It explores how we change ourselves over time. In some of those changes we become better, while in others we become worse. Inevitably though what we can achieve in life is one of hope, and there is no denying the positivity that this short tries to share with the viewer.

Looking over the film it has one many awards through its festival run, an accomplishment that is easy to see. It is filled with somber reflection, dark moments of a tortured soul, and a gleaming optimism.

There were only a few moments that I noticed in my viewing that were a little jarring to me. Some of the sped-up frame ramping was a little strange. In addition, there are some musical transitions which could have been smoothed out a little. Lastly, I think the frame rate in general was something akin to 60fps, which takes away from any cinematic stylings. Not that a movie can’t have moments of high frame rate filming, with this being filmed in that style it is something visually that takes away from a cinematic feeling.

What at first took a moment to get absorbed into, eventually grew on me and by the end I had a smile on my face. This is a short about hope and finding that in yourself. It is a kind of on the nose analogy for finding renewed optimism, but a good one, nonetheless.


With the world we live in currently I think positive little films like this are a great thing. If you have been struggling through hard times, or have just been in that place before, this is an enjoyable positive look into that world, one you may be able to find some solace in. I think Deepak Kumar Ram and Anku Parashar have some great talent on display here.

To follow on social media: Facebook, Director Instagram, and Production Instagram.


Daniel Hess

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