It Came from the Stars review

It Came from the Stars Review

It Came from the Stars is a 2020 short film directed by Dmitry Chmelyov. This film was screened for review as part of the Free Independent Film Weekend Fright Night 2021.

A competent mix between the films of Ed Wood and 50s era Doctor Who, It Came from the Stars is cheesy fun, and it knows exactly the right tone to take throughout.

There is something nice to always be said from a group of filmmakers who have a clear vision and deliver a solid execution from that. This is perhaps the greatest strength of this short film, which never seems to take itself seriously at any point.

The ADR is over the top; the acting is overly dramatic, and the jumps between semi-seriousness and comedy are frequent. Everything is well done and any sci-fi or Lovecraftian horror fan will sure to be right at home here.

Personally, the standout feature was the music of the short, which fit the aesthetic perfectly and had that outstanding Doctor Who intro tone in spades. Pardon the shortcoming for not knowing what that panging noise is, but it is always fun when it is featured in any score.

When the blood and gore hits, it is nothing insanely over the top but again really fits the aesthetic well. The visual effects on screen are in the same vein of being just the right amount of silliness to engage us but not make us completely dismiss what we are watching.

This is low budget DIY filmmaking at its purest level and at the very least will leave you wondering what is to come next.

No other way to describe this one than again as a fun bit of cheese to sit down to and one that all you Cthulhu lovers will enjoy. A fun take on pizza is worth mentioning at the tail end here, as it was hilarious.

This film was screened for review as part of the Free Independent Film Weekend Fright Night 2021.

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