Dreams Made in the Sea Review

Dreams Made in the Sea Review

Dreams Made in the Sea is a 2021 short documentary directed by Jacob DeGrace.

A fun and engaging short documentary that explores what it means to live life to the fullest, Dreams Made in the Sea delivers a good mix of storytelling and gorgeous visuals.

This short doc follows surf photographer Lukene Sotomayor and how her life leads up to working full time in that career field. Sotomayor has a natural on camera presence that brings a ton of charm throughout.

This is a film that does not waste time showcasing the beautiful scenery in Tofino, British Columbia, and it is instantly intriguing. DeGrace and team have a strong notion of what it means to encapsulate the area.

From the storytelling side this is a documentary that as mentioned showcases the life of Lukene Sotomayor, but it takes the next step in exploring the more macro sensibility of living your best life. That cliché statement aside, Sotomayor really seems to encompass that free spirit aura that so many of us only dream about.

In separating and showcasing the micro with the macro, this film carves out a focused narrative that delivers across every minute of the runtime.

For fans of surfing this is of course an easy recommendation, as while it doesn’t delve particularly deep into the subculture, it still captures the essence of the lifestyle quite well.


At only seven minutes, this is a film that will not waste your time and will leave you with a smile on your face. Dreams Made in the Sea is exactly that, a film about chasing your dreams and finding success in what you love to do. Is there really any better message or reminder that you could ask for after a year like 2020?

To follow on social media: TEAMLTD and Coastline Films.


Daniel Hess

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