Dirt Dirty Review

Necroman Review

Necroman is a 2019 short film written and directed by Ercan Er and Serdar Atam. This film was screened for review as part of the Free Independent Film Weekend Fright Night 2021.

Filled with tension and some dark themes, Necroman provides an unflinching, if not a bit shallow, look at a man on a deadly and grotesque rampage.

This is one short film that does not shy away from the gory details, those both seen and hidden. Exploring themes of graverobbing, rape, and abuse, this film tackles a lot in a short amount of time.

If one thing can be leveraged against the film, it is our titular villain who comes across as a bit understated. While menacing enough he does not command the screen presence needed to really sell that unhinged but quiet foe that makes for a great central antagonist.

The production values here are all mostly handled well. The one nit pick here being some of the outdoor shots seemed to incorporate what appeared to be some lower end LED lighting arrays. Nothing terrible, just the lack of diffusion felt like an easy giveaway for this.

This is one of those short films that just falls down the middle. Outside of some truly disturbing imagery at the very end of the film, there is nothing else that really takes us by surprise here. It is not bad by any means, but it plays it all a little too safe.

Nothing here will leave you bored or wanting to not finish the film, but by the end of it you may just feel like things were a bit hollow throughout. It is no reason not to take a look though, if not at least for some semi-interesting ideas and the previously mentioned imagery at the end for the film Necroman.

This film was screened for review as part of the Free Independent Film Weekend Fright Night 2021.

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