Daniel J. Barnes

Better Know An Author – Daniel J. Barnes

Our weekly spotlight series on authors from around the world. This week we sat down with Daniel J. Barnes!

Please give a brief introduction, including your name and where you are based

I am Daniel J. Barnes, a self publishing author based in the United Kingdom. I used to write comics under my own banner of Dead Bride Comics, but changed up in 2016 to concentrate on writing novels. 


What book or books have you published or are working on at the moment?

I have published a total of ten novels in various genres. Three titles in the Vatican Angel of Justice series about a priest who is a vigilante. Two in the Secret Hunters Horde series entitled Monster Home and Finding Condor featuring Abraham Van Helsing and all the classic monsters we know and love. A pro wrestling novel called Blood Stained Canvas, an 80s horror adventure called Welcome to Crimson. Slasher horror story about a murderous lumberjack set in a wintery Canadian town called Maple Falls Massacre, a ghost story called Fear Trigger that deals with mental health and a strange macabre offering called Dinner Party. The next novel I will be starting work on a fantasy series called Hartwaker


What drives you to write?

Like most authors it’s the passion to create that drives me. I love creating characters and stories and watch them come to life in front of me. I have a nice following of readers that support my work and for them to get passionate and excited about my work is the best thing I could ask for, that’s what makes it all worth while.



Where can folks find you online and on social media?

You can find me on Twitter @WriterDJB, Instagram and Facebook @DJBWriter. I also have a private group on Facebook for my fan base called The Works of DJB where we discuss all things from the DJBverse, competitions and regular Q&A’s. You can also find me on LinkedIn


What is one piece of advice you would give to another author out there who might be struggling?

It’s okay to step away from it. Take your time. It’s a marathon not a sprint. If I am struggling I usually go for a walk in the countryside or take a bath and just let my mind wonder, this usually helps for me. 


What are some of your five-year goals with writing?

Just continue to tell my stories is enough for me.


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