Cosmic Dawn

Cosmic Dawn Review

Cosmic Dawn is a 2022 feature film directed by Jefferson Moneo.

Striking a solid balance between story and surreal, Crimson Dawn explains enough while leaving a mystery driving forward from start to finish.

Certainly, an easy film to recommend for those who enjoy sci fi stories, there is also a good balance struck to compel a solid viewing experience for those who might not stick to more fantastical films as their top choice for stories.

One of the best parts of the film has to be the score which adds a rich layer of atmosphere throughout. The pieces featuring MGMT are certainly standouts but overall, you can’t go wrong with the listening experience.

The visuals are strong with our alien pieces really providing a feast for the eyes. Jumping between past and present is easy to turn into a confusing affair but the visual cues make the transitions simple to follow throughout.

If there is one piece of the film that perhaps could have used a little more of it would perhaps be stronger characterizations or character developments. While we get enough to piecemeal around things, knowing more about our lead character could have added some stronger context with things but this is a minor nit-pick.


Cosmic Dawn delivers some strong science fiction elements while having some fun with experimentation at different times during the viewing experience. This is one that is easy to recommend especially for an interesting time of late-night viewing.

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Daniel Hess

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