Dear Diary

Dear Diary Series Spotlight

Today’s series spotlight focuses on Dear Diary from ArieCan Productions.

What is the title of your film and what inspired said title?

Dear Diary (comedy). Dear Diary came about because of the subject matter that happens with the show. We’ve all had diaries or journals and we put our true thoughts and feelings into them. And that’s what Dear Diary is all about, it’s a comedy like you’ve never seen before. It’s something that’s needed in the world today.


Tell us a little bit about the story and origins of your film.

Dear Diary, was one of six (6) show concepts that we came up with in 2016. At the time we saw that comedy was missing on tv and everything was so heavy so Dear Diary was something that had to come out at the right time. Once we got started with it, it snowballed into this one-of-a-kind comedy that we have today.


Any films or filmmakers that inspired this film?

For Dear Diary, no we just felt like if we’re going to do a comedy let’s do something we haven’t seen before and that’s what we did.



What is the goal of the film for you?

To gain more fans and to be seen by big studio executives. We know we have the next new #1 comedy for TV we just need for Hollywood to notice it and sign us.



What has the journey been like getting the film into production?

It’s been pretty cool to be honest. We’ve been doing this for six (6) years now so the journey from where we first started to where we are today is like night and day and we’re so proud of our growth. Being self-taught really helped us master our craft.


One thing you learned from this project?

Never film two shows at one time again lol. It was something new for us and although we loved doing it, we’ve decided not to do it again lol. You have to realize that ArieCan Productions consists of two people Leonard and myself. We do everything from writing, directing, camera operator, sound, lighting, producing and editing. But it’s all been a blessing, this was the first time we had a camera operator and editor to help with these two new shows. It’s been great having the help.


How can folks find you and your film online?


They can follow us on all social media @ariecanproductions and they can stream our shows from our website

Any last pieces of advice for fellow filmmakers?

If this is something, you want to do make sure you’re passionate about it and that money is not your motivation. Passion must be your motivator, believe me passion, dedication and drive will give you the best content and with that the money will come. Just continue to believe in yourself, believe in your craft don’t try to be the next nobody but yourself. Be the best and next YOU, you can be. It’s going to be times when you’re frustrated and may even want to quit but just remember the reason you wanted to be a filmmaker in the first place. That will help you get out of those doubtful places.

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