JL Pete

Better Know An Author – JL Pete

Our weekly spotlight series on authors from around the world. This week we sat down with JL Pete!

Please give a brief introduction, including your name and where you are based

I’m Jennifer Pete, or J.L. Pete based in the California Bay Area.


What book or books have you published or are working on at the moment?

I recently published IMPETUS in January 2022. It’s a success through hardship novel, with a thriller twist based on my life.


What drives you to write?

Writing is really therapeutic for me. Art is something that helps humans connect and I’m happy to do so through writing.


Where can folks find you online and on social media?

They can find me on


What is one piece of advice you would give to another author out there who might be struggling?

Writer’s block happens to everyone. When you don’t know what to write, just start writing and something will almost always click. If overwhelmed about the publishing process, there are tons of online tutorials on how to get started. Don’t focus on the whole staircase, just one step at a time.


What are some of your five-year goals with writing?

I’d like to continue writing poetry and eventually publish some of those works. I hope my first novel, IMPETUS, continues to spread globally and inspire anyone going through a difficult time.


Final Thoughts?

If you’re looking for a real page-turner or heart-racing thriller, check out IMPETUS, available now on Amazon!


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